About Me

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I'm 19 years young, and reside in the Harbor City. I have two beautiful daughters, who motivate and inspire me to push forward every day. I'm an open minded, spiritual person. Who loves being outdoors, exploring and becoming one with nature. I've created this blog to express my opinion, views, and share my experiences with anyone who's interest. Thank you for reading! =)

Monday, March 7, 2011

"I Need A Doctor" - Official Music Video!!!

So my last post was quite some time ago, and it was about Dr Dre's new single "I Need A Doctor", featuring Eminem & Skylar Grey.  They've recently released the official music video for that song, and its nearly 8 minutes long in its entirety.  The actual song doesn't start till nearly 3 minutes in, but the imagery in that 3 minute intro is intense!!!  

For anyone who knows anything about the history behind Dr Dre, Eminem, and hip-hop in general.  This is a very powerful and emotional music video.  Honestly, it had my in tears watching it.  The lyrical exchange between Eminem & Dr is amazing.  This is one of the first hip-hop songs in a long time to actually contain real and relevant content.  Id totally give this 5 mics/stars if I were a hip-hop critic! 

Ive included the music video bellow!

Dr Dre & Eminem "Extra" Interview bellow!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"I Need A Doctor"

For all those of you who are fans of Dr Dre, you've probably been anxiously awaiting the highly anticipated release of "Detox".  Its been ten years since Dr release "2000", and for whats been quite a few years now we've heard rumors and supposed leaked tracks from "Detox".  After all the waiting we finally get the feeling its coming in the near future.  With the release of the music video for "Kush" featuring Snoop Dogg & Akon, we got our first taste of an official "Detox" release.  Now within the past week the final version of "I Need A Doctor", featuring Eminem hit the net, this song is one of the most powerful duos between Dr Dre & Eminem ever!  Its a great song, with a powerful instrumental, and extremely moving lyrics.  In my personal opinion, "I Need A Doctor", is an instant hip-hop classic...  

I hope you enjoy the videos bellow...  =)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Teen Moms... WTF!!!

I bring to you a video from NBC News, that I've watched via MSN Video.  Its a news report about a young parent featured on the MTV reality series "Teen Mom".  It features some pretty harsh domestic violence from the young Mom towards her on again, off again boyfriend.  As a young parent myself, seeing videos like this bothers me.  Especially because my own actions in the past.  However, in my opinion, its young parents like these who give the rest of us a bad name.  If you're not ready to accept the responsibilities of becoming a parent and raising a child, then please, don't have sex in the first place!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Colony

So this past week I've had way too much time on my hands, and with that time, most of what I've done has been surfing the internet.  Normally I spend a great deal of time streaming shows and movies online.  Mostly my favorite shows such as House, Glee, The Big Bang Theory, and True Blood.  However, this week I came across something I'd never heard of.  A reality show called "The Colony". 

The Colony is not a challenge, there is no cash prize.  The people participating in The Colony are volunteers for a social experiment.  The experiment simulates a post apocalyptic world, which has been ravaged by some form of natural disaster.  I've finished watching Season One, and have just begun watching Season Two.  

In Season One a group of five volunteers are released into the simulated environment.  They are released after being kept awake, in isolation from each other for I believe 36 hours, in order to simulate sleep deprivation.  All the volunteers have some kind of occupation or expertise in areas such as engineering, medical, and even self defense.  They must survive and rebuild using what ever supplies or left overs are found in the surrounding area and buildings.  They also must deal with attacks from looters, as well as negotiate with traders.  After about a week another group of five volunteers are sent in to test the Colony's compassion for others.  This was to see if the member of the colony would welcome them into their home or turn them away to survive on their own.  They choose to let the five in, but one of the volunteers is an ex con, who served time for drug trafficking.  Keep in mind that the volunteer is playing himself, he actually is an ex-con.  After a week or so in this simulated world you would begin to feel as if its real, in this type of situation, would you trust an ex-con?  There's are ten episodes to the season, with many other twists and surprises.  I find the experiment quite interesting.  As well as the social aspect, and even simply the contraptions they design to become self sufficient in an abandoned warehouse/shop.  I will provide links bellow for your convenience.

In Season Two a group of eight volunteers are released into the, not so simulated environment.  By "not so simulated", I mean they are released into a small abandoned section of Louisiana that was destroyed by hurricane Katrina.  Some modifications have been made for the purpose of the experiment.  Other than those modifications, the area was actually destroyed by a natural disaster.  The survivors were kept awake in isolation from each other for I believe 72 hours, 12 of which was quarantine for the virus as well as to simulate sleep deprivation. This time they are survivors of a viral outbreak called the "Nuclear Virus", which is allegedly a real virus the governments are preparing for.  The Nuclear Virus is a mutation of the Avian Flu Virus.   Again the volunteers are subjected to attacks from looters, negotiations with traders, and this time also face the kidnapping of one of their members.  An additional two volunteers were sent int to test the colonies hospitality, similar to Season One.  Season two is ten episodes, and 50 days long.  The volunteers must survive off the land, as well as rebuild and create sustainable living off what ever they find in the environment.

The Colony is aired on Discovery, and I have yet to find if there is a third season coming this Summer.  The previous seasons aired in 2009, and 2010.  If anyone reading this is interested in such topics, the show is quite entertaining, as well as provides ideas that could help you survive in a similar situation.

"My Balls" - Your Favorite Martian (Ray William Johnson)

My new favorite song!  MY BALLS, by Your Favorite Martian.  (Ray William Johnson)
My Ball's is performed by Ray William Johnson, one of YouTube's most popular comedians.  
He's made himself internet famous for his YouTube channel =3, where RWJ reviews viral videos making hilarious and some times outrageous jokes and comments.  For all those who haven't checked him out I highly recommend you do so.  I will be providing links bellow for your convenience.  New videos are posted for =3 every Monday and Thursday.  I also suggest you check out another favorite of mine by RWJ titled "Doing Your Mom", another great song of comedic value...

Ray William Johnson "=3"

Your Favorite Martian